Thoughtful Thursday


Change is something that scares the crap out of a lot of people. Change can mean going into the unknown and doing something out of the ordinary. I am currently going though a few changes in my life. I am in the process of changing degrees. I am currently doing social work however I am not finding it satisfying. I love some of the things we are learning about but others I find I am struggling with. When I first started uni I wanted to study HR. I missed out by a point. So I went on to study social work. It is an eye opener. I have also made heaps of new friends that I might not have made if it wasn’t for this course and some of them I class as close friends who I can tell anything to. This year however I have made the decision to change direction and go for my dream of completing a HR degree. Business is something that interest me and I will enjoy this course more. Another change that is happening is I am moving house. While this isn’t a big change I have been in my current place for over 3 years and I had hoped to be in here a while longer however about 3 moths ago when I resigned my lease it was only done for 6 months so I knew that this was coming. Thankfully I have 3 months to find a place and I am in fact looking at a place today which if I get I will be moved in by next weekend so things will get a little hectic here and I might not be posting much for those few weeks! I do like change though. Change is something different and new and while it can be scary and freak me out it’s a good feeling when you do something out of your comfort zone and succeed!

Do you like change or do you resist it? What is the biggest change you have made of late?

Thoughtful Thursday

Female Body Shapes

Body Image is something that almost all girls and a lot of guys deal with in their lifetime. I have found that as you get older the way you look doesn’t matter as much and you concentrate on being happy and healthy. I have struggled with body image at different times in my life. Growing up I was never fat, however because of my body type I was never classed as a stick and I was called fat once or twice. It hurts. Because I am not a typical body type. I will never be a stick. I have a body type in which I will always be above average body size. I would look silly if I lost too much weight. My Ideal weight is 75kg. That is considered fat for my height as I am only 5’4 however if I was any skinnier then I would just fall over. I am quite large in the chest. While it has it perks it s also a pain in the bum in that clothes don’t fit me properly! Here are some photos of me from the last 13 years. As you can see my body shape has changed a fair bit over that time.

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The first photo is of me when I was 17 (I am in the bright green). As you can see I was a good weight. Sad thing is that I was still classed as a ‘bigger’ girl. The second photo was taken after I had my son and he had just turned 3. This is me at the biggest that I had ever been. I was not comfortable at this weight. I was happy but I really struggled I was pushing about 110kg here. The third photo was taken 9 months after the last one. I decided to something about my weight as the photo from before really made me want to do something about my weight. In 9 months I managed to lose 30kg. This was using body trim which worked really well. Carbs are not my friend! I felt really comfortable at this weight and I got many compliment about how I looked. As you can see I am not skinny, skinny but I look healthy. I think that is what it is all about. As long as you look healthy and you are healthy then that is that matters! The last photo is of me right now. I have gained some weight back since (combination of stress and my back). but to be honest I am ok with the way that I am now. Yes I would like to lose some of it. I have about 15-20kg to lose and I know that I can do it if I put my mind to it. I just think That we should be accepting of people of all different sizes. We are all not made the same for a reason. Imagine if we were all blond haired, blue eyed skinny people. How boring would that be. I think the biggest thing is to learn to be happy just the way that you are. you can’t change genetics. If the world accepted everyone then I think it would be a much better place.

Thoughtful Thursday


‘Fifty Years from now when you’re looking back on you life don’t you want to be able to say you had the guts to get in the car’

This Quote. I love it. For the last 3 years I have had it written on the white board behind my computer. Surprisingly it is not from some mega inspirational movie, nor did someone profound say it. It’s from the Transformers movie. I love these movies. I resisted at first then an ex of mine took me to go see it (he point blank refused to go see Harry Potter) and I loved it! This quote would have to be the stand out for me. When I look back at my life when I am 80 years old. I want to be able to say I stood up and had the guts to do what I didn’t think I could. I took the risks and I am glad I did. Sadly It wont involve any transforming cars, Josh Duhamel or Patrick Dempsey (But hey a girl can dream). But I would be happy to say when I am older that I had the guts to stand up for what I believe in and that I did what scared me!

Do you have any movie quotes that you love? Or any movies that have changed your thinking?

Thoughtful Thursday


DANCE I love dancing. Dancing makes me happy. I did tap and jazz when I was growing up and I have been dancing for the past 2 years which however has been sidetracked due to fracturing my L5 transverse process in a horse riding accident. This means that dancing fully is off the cards. But when my back is feeling ok I like to crank the music and dance around the house with my son. There is nothing more therapeutic then a good dance.

LOVE – Personally I think love is overrated. Yes I have been hurt. Pretty badly. Right now I am very happy being single and it is what suits me. One day though I hope to find the one person who can show me what it feels like to really love again. But for now my son is the thing I love most in my life (along with coffee… coffee rates up there!)

SING – I am one of the off tone singers ever! Some how my sister and brother got really decent singing voices (they both got solo’s in the primary school choir – my brother even got an Adelaide solo) but sadly my singing skills failed. Doesn’t stop me from singing though! I quite randomly burst into song. At uni, doing the shopping. Basically anywhere. My son hates my singing! Christmas time I was waking him up in the morning by singing Christmas carols. It’s the funniest thing ever and he was telling me to shush and get out. I will never stop singing. Much to many peoples annoyance!

LIVE –Life happens. There isn’t anything you can do to change that. I chose to live my life with as little stress as I can. Housework not done, Who cares (I say this with a sink full of dishes). I don’t stress about money. As long as I have enough to pay my bills and give us food I don’t need anything else. People don’t like you? That’s their problem not yours. You only have one life so make the most of it!

Thoughtful Thursday

‘What if money didn’t matter’ – Allen Watts

I was lucky enough to be invited to attend a business seminar at the star of December last year. It was an amazing experience and I am so grateful for the opportunity. At the start of the seminar we were shown this clip then asked to write down what we did now and what we would do if money was no object. this was then stuck to the wall for each of us to browse and look at what others had written. This clip has stuck with me since and got me thinking. What would I do if money was no object. So here is my list.

  • Travel the world with my son helping people and showing him that while we may life different each of us are the same and that racism is stupid
  • Attend seminars of successful people. I would love to attend more now but these dinners cost upwards of $200 (That’s how much this seminar I attended cost but I was lucky enough that the scholarship I receive paid for it). I love listening to inspirational people speak. It is amazing what you can learn from them.
  • Donate as much as I could to charity. I already donate $20 a month to Save the Children. As a single mum it is all I can afford but I feel good knowing I can help in a small way
  • Buy a house. Or buy a few houses and rent them out to people who need them. The waiting list for public housing in my town is stupid. Pretty much you don’t get a house. I have been on the waiting list for 5 years as a single mum and nothing. I was lucky that a real estate agent took a chance on me renting (It helped that they knew my dad) and let me rent a unit as I had no rental history. Not too many people get that opportunity.
  • Send Addison to Aussie author John Marsden’s school. It’s set in the bush land and they are very hands on. I would LOVE for him to attend. It’s really hard to get into as well. I can dream!

So what would you do if money didn’t matter??? I would love to hear what you would do!